MaestroTek, Ltd Music Publishing Page

Desktop Music Publishing


What we are offering is the following: your original work or arrangement of music, customized to your specifications, and rendered in a professional, published-quality format. We can do choir octavos, conductors' scores, orchestra and band parts, lead sheets, tablature, transpositions, any arrangement you need. We can work with you personally playing the material on keyboard, or from midi files, or from hand-written manuscripts.

How We Do It

To begin with, we are musician/computer programmer types who have the equipment at our disposal, and the experience in both fields to bring to the process. That means midi-capable computers, musical instruments and sound-studio equipment. It also means sight-reading, keyboard playing, and other skills related to using the software and the equipment.

For the past twenty years, I have been a user of Finale music publishing software by MakeMusic, Inc. a premier tool for midi and personal input of music, with many capabilities when it comes to creating the printed score. I love what this product does, and enjoy working with it.

So, you get in touch with us to discuss what project, big or small, you have in mind. Let's say you have a new symphony you've hand-written, and you have a college chamber orchestra scheduled to play it. We start by entering the score, via a synthesizer keyboard, into a computer with our publishing software. We print out a conductor's score and have you look at it, recommending any changes you would like. If you are interested in a synthesized audition of your piece, our computerized studio can play your score back for you. Having arrived at a version that is just what you want in both content and format, we then create some of the orchestra players' parts to match those in the conductor's score. After again getting your input for formatting, content and number of each type of part, we print out the whole orchestra's scores.

Why Use This Service?

You have a time crunch just doing your composing, arranging, practicing, rehearsals, teaching, and performances. You may want to have this done for you instead of having to add this to your own time schedule. And it's not just the actual time spent producing the printed product:

Perhaps the one down side of Finale is its vast array of features, and the resulting learning curve to get to the point of being able to put together scores quickly, formatted in the most beneficial presentation for your performing musicians. It's a time commitment over a period of projects and time that get you to the point of being able to do your own music publishing. We have already done the groundwork since 1990, and can put our experience to work for you. Also:

You may not own the expensive array of equipment it takes...
Basic setup includes a midi-capable synthesizer, a midi-capable PC workstation, a quality printer, music-publishing software, and people with the expertise to run it. If you have just one piece of music now and then to publish for local use, it hardly justifies the $5,000 - $10,000 investment and the time to learn it all. Instead, use our service, experience and equipment on a per-job fee basis! We are VERY reasonable, and have a great turn-around time getting jobs completed.

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